

07 November 2017

TIME Webinar Series: Charles Lawson, Griffith University

TIME Webinar Series: Charles Lawson, Griffith University

TIME-MBE and the TECHNIS research group is pleased to invite you to a free webinar. 

Please join us for a webinar on Tuesday the 14th of November 2017 at 11:00 London time. The speaker is Charles Lawson, Griffith University Law School.

The title of the talk is “Plant Breeder's Rights and Essentially Derived Varieties: Still Searching for Workable Solutions”.

The moderator will be Dr. Andreas Panagopoulos.

The program we use to deliver webinars is called VSee and you can easily download it for free. A very short demo of VSee can be found at

This webinar is free and open to all.

To participate and for further information, please contact Dr. Andreas Panagopoulos

Abstract: The 1991 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV Convention) introduced the concept of “essentially derived varieties” (EDVs) expanding the scope of the plant breeder’s right. The purpose of EDVs was to limit “plagiarism”, “copycat breeding”, “mimics”, “imitations” or “cosmetic” varieties, and an unfair free riding on the original plant breeder’s time and investment. The problem is how to find a measure of difference to distinguish an EDV from a new variety? The presentation addresses why the threshold legal question of EDV is more than a mere quantitative technical question requiring a technical answer, such as a statistical index or a DNA sequence. Possible solutions are presented from the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 (Cth).


Charles Lawson is a Professor in the Griffith Law School and current member of the Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (ACIPA) at Griffith University. He studied science and law at The Australian National University and holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours in biochemistry and genetics and a Bachelor of Laws. He also holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the ANU's Research School of Biological Sciences in molecular biology and biochemistry and a Master of Laws from Queensland University of Technology for research into gene patenting and competition. Before joining the university sector he worked as a lawyer in both the private and public sectors, including at the Australian Government Solicitor and the Commonwealth Department of Finance and Deregulation. His research focus is on intellectual property and public administration law.


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